Discipline: Applied Sciences

Đại lý du lịch HelloVietTravel liên tục được các tín đồ thích du ngoạn nhắc tớiĐại lý du lịch HelloVietTravel liên tục được các tín đồ thích du ngoạn nhắc tới

<p><strong><em>Tr&ecirc;n c&aacute;c diễn đ&agrave;n du lịch trực tuyến, t&ecirc;n của đại l&yacute; du lịch HelloVietTravel đ&atilde; trở th&agrave;nh một đề t&agrave;i hot v&agrave; li&ecirc;n tục được c&aacute;c t&iacute;n đồ du lịch thảo luận v&agrave; nhắc tới. Với những trải nghiệm độc đ&aacute;o v&agrave; chất lượng dịch vụ tuyệt vời d&agrave;nh cho kh&aacute;ch h&agrave;ng của m&igrave;nh […]

Data Analytic TerminologyData Analytic Terminology

 As a health care manager, it is important that you understand data analytic terms as they are used in clinical and public health settings to help you when making strategic decisions. This assessment is intended to serve as a study guide and to help you understand some of the basic data analytic terms used and […]

Communication Technology GuideCommunication Technology Guide

Technology is changing faster and faster. Every industry needs to adjust to it. Over the last few years, new communication technologies such as shared online workspaces, workgroup messaging systems, the Internet of things, and new uses of social media and social networks have changed how the health care industry functions. In this assignment, you will […]


escription Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central). Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and […]

What is my Purpose?What is my Purpose?

 This week, we examine God’s purpose for creating human beings and their role in the world. Taking what you learned this week, write a 300-350 word reflection on your own purpose. This reflection can focus on your family, your church, your workplace, your neighborhood, etc. Just be sure to connect your personal reflection to material studied this week. For example, you could discuss […]


A 47-year-old female patient is in for a follow-up visit to monitor her treatment for type 2 diabetes. You added regular insulin to her treatment regimen last month. She tells you that she has not had any symptoms of hypoglycemia with the new plan and her glucose levels have been between 60 and 80. She […]


The role of Professional organizations and associations is crucial in creating energy, collaboration, and sharing ideas among members. Research and share the mission statement of one professional organization you want to join. What are the specific opportunities for professional development and leadership in this organization?


Part 1 – Leading through Crisis and Change When an organization is going through change – planned or spontaneous, there will be crisis at some point.  Leading through crisis and change requires excellent communication skills.  Review this week’s material and draw from your personal and professional experience pertaining to communication skills, and to ethics.  This week, your […]